Monday, August 20, 2007



August 11th, my last entry, where have I been for all that time? I just don't seem to have the time for anything recently. It's full days, with little energy to do very much at night. Hope it's only an age thing.

I'm still reading my half a dozen 'usuals', although some of them have been as negligent as I have at posting, so I don't feel alone. Perhaps it's the time of the year.

I can't even get into cooking. Even that's been a chore. Cag's appetite is slowly recovering but she is still not taking meat and is only picking at the vegetables, meanwhile mother is clearing her plate! It's chicken cacciatore for tomorrow, so that should give me something to think about, and get my teeth into............. in more ways than one.

I've just checked the spelling for 'cacciatore' (some hopes!) and have been given jackstraw, coquetry, cuckoldry, and gadgetry! Where did that lot come from?
Extra update........

Not quite the finished article but well on the way.

Ian, you are most adorable! ~smiling~

Chicken cacciatore sounds wonderful!

Hmm, can leftovers be airmailed?

I am glad your wife is recovering if slowly...maybe with less stress, and worry, you will feel better too! And, nah, definitely not an age are youngster!

(((standup hug)))
mmmmm one of my favourites!! You AND the cacciatore ;)
Just tagging on to the end of your fan club here! Lol!

I am glad your wife is recovering. I know what you mean about cooking seeming a chore! I have to force myself to do anything these days! It is definitely an age thing - though you have far more excuse than I do for feeling drained of energy!

I think you had better send me those leftovers: after all, I live much nearer to you than the other two commenters!
There was enough for you all. Portion control goes out the window once I start chopping and slicing. I've tacked on a photo of the near finished meal.
hahahahaha fair!!!

Ian, that looks very different to my version which is a dry one. But it looks VERY yummy. Sits at the table with my knife and fork at the ready :)
Fiona - are you okay? I haven't posted a comment! lol (Until this one!)
Don't worry Hazel, Fi's having a difficult time. All this coming and going! It's an age thing ;-)
LMAO Ian!!!

Hazel...oooops it must be true, it was Seeker that posted it...where the hell did I get Hazel from???!!!!

Is this how it's going to be for me...seeing things, mistaking people...drooling (over blog pics of food)....sighs
It was drool?
I nearly called in a plumber.
LOL Ian....are you inferring I'm a gusher??? LOL
Vous, oui!!
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