Tuesday, May 22, 2007


A plague of............

Every years seems to bring something different. Wasps, although it's a little early for them, ants, or greenfly etc, etc. This year we have been plagued by moths. Not the big 'round the light' variety, but the little flitty-flutty-fings that fly erratically passed your line of sight every few minutes.

I've been killing dozens daily. Clapping them out of the air to a chorus of 'Another one bites the Dust'. True, my Buddhist upbringing has taken a knock by this show of violence, but they should know better than to invade our space.

I don't think I have tipped the balance of nature too much, as there seems to be an ever increasing number of the critters volunteering to be clapped. I just hope they stop soon. The vacuum cleaner bag is nearly full.

Sooo many insects have I seen since I moved....sweet ants in the kitchen, carpenter ants in the living room, wasps on the decks....but this morning I saw the most beautiful large green moth....such a lovely thing.....but little flitty-flutty-fings? ~laughing~ if those are inside your home....I hope I seen none!
One of the joys of country living Sunny, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I used to live in Plymouth, with a view of roof tops. Think I'll take my chance with insects....... providing they don't bite.

Hope you're looking after yourself and finding 'me' time.
I am enjoying where I am, except I have nothing to cut the grass with, and it is going to get out of control soon!

I am thinking, there are times when I have too much 'me' time...I have a tendency to think too much!

As to the insects, I much prefer my ants, outside, or at least chocolate covered.
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