Saturday, April 14, 2007


A bluebell wood.........

I'm keeping my eyes open and paying a visit every couple of days to our bluebell wood. It's just greenery at the moment, but with any luck it should be a mass of small blue nodding heads in a few days time.


A Spanish visitor

The bluebells on the driveway are already in full bloom, but these are the Spanish invaders that have crept into the hedge rows from private gardens. The woodland ones are our native variety, smaller flowered with a heady sweet scent that will fill the woods on the breeze.


A pink bluebell!

I'm hoping that the nearby development will not effect that area of the wood. It shouldn't do because it's also the home and playground for a group of badgers and they are well protected under the law. But we shall see.


.... and a white variety.

(more to follow...... hopefully)

Just A Thought......

I found these two pictures of bluebells taken in our Torquay garden last year.

Our Spanish friends, but what a show.

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I have two potted plants on my windowledge.

And umm that's one weird post from Alex there Ian *L*
I love bluebells! We have got a 'bluebell walk' planned for next Sunday, but not many of them seem to be in bloom yet; although the walk is usually full of them at this time of year. We do have a few out in our garden though!

Apparently, our English bluebells could be extinct in 10 years time if they are allowed to crossbreed with the Spanish ones! That would be very sad!
Alex, we must stop meeting like this. Your sexual orientation is becoming suspect Old Sad One.

Fi. I think Alex wants to be a friend;-)

Seeker. It's a mixed up year for wild flowers. I would love to be on Dartmoor in a week or two. Where the O Brook meets the Dart. There will be banks of blue. Don't forget a picture from your walk.
Having checked his profile....DA!
Thank God I'm not on a bus. With my luck Alex would come and sit next to me!
...and try to sell you some drugs....or maybe just give you a sample starter pack *L*

He's really pushing the viagra, mentioned thrice in that blurb ;)
lephare - so it's just me who attracts the weirdos eh? lol
sorry I meant to type it's NOT just
Hazel, I do know what you mean!-)

Fi, we don't need drugs. We grow our own down this way! I've just planted some runner beans in pots. I put a viagra in with them so they will be self supporting and won't need sticks.
LMAO Ian....lucky ole beans ;)

I am absolutely ADORE the way your mind works!
Ian...enough frolicking in the woods already...POST!!!!!! :)
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