Saturday, April 07, 2007


Beautiful Spring......

We've been spoilt. Such a mild Winter and now a beautiful Spring. Some of the blooms that appeared a little earlier in the year did fall foul of some heavy frost, especially the magnolia. This little flower that's brightening a corner of our garden is Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' or a weeping pear.

Don't be seduced by it's beauty. It has a strange scent, rather like strong pee! An aroma that I am very familiar with. Can't get away from it, even in the garden. Ha, ha!

OH! They are pretty, I did not know the name, is it a tree or a bush? I am wondering if that is what I came across down in the southern United States last spring...they did have an odor very similar to what you describe.

And I thought it was just the favorite haunt of a dog!
It's classed as a small tree. Usually grown to about 10 to 12 feet although can grow to 30 foot. Has wicked thorns and produces small inedible fruit. Birds love it as the branches intertwine and give a perfect place to hide.
Don't be seduced by it's beauty.

That's so true about so many things ;)

When a bush becomes a small tree...I admit to having chuckled at that...but you know my warped sense of humour *L*
I don't think we have those here. I'm no gardener, but it doesn't look familiar.

I have ornamental pears here. They are beautiful but Lord they smell bad. I'm so happy they've finished blooming. My car is back to it normal color instead of pollen green.
Mist1. Just to say thank you for giving me a daily laugh.
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