Thursday, March 22, 2007


Looking up........

It was a day for looking up. Early this morning to watch the drizzle, wondering if the promised fine weather would make itself known. Mid-day, to watch the great silver birds chase each other across the bluest of skies, when it finally arrived. Then the afternoon was spent looking up once again................ painting a ceiling.

The end in sight at last. Lights up and working. Just some minor touching in with a small brush to finish the job. On and off it's taken two weeks. Something I could have finished in a couple of afternoons a few months ago, but that's the way it is from now on. So I must be patient.

There was a disaster in the day. I knocked over two glasses of wine. One a rather quaffable Rose', Cag's choice, the other, an interesting red Vin de Pays. I tried to throw myself under the tumbling glasses, mouth open in anticipation and desperation, but to no avail!

The Rose' hardly left a mark but the red has left a trace. Now I know the best way to remove red wine from a carpet is to pour on a glass of white wine and sponge off, but two glasses wasted in one day was all I could stand. I wasn't about to waste a third.

Luckily the carpet is dark and old, so I was not too bothered, and besides, people will be looking up, noticing the new lights and freshly painted ceiling. They won't have time to look for a fading wine stain. When you have a dog, who does not know how to wipe his feet, and a slightly leaky mother living with you, a little stain on the carpet is the last thing you worry about.

Hahahahhahaha great post Ian!!

Well, anything quaffable is a sin to waste ;)

Kudos for finishing the paint job, I knew you would. And anyway why impose a time limit on anything, focus on the end result not how you got there :)

Re the wine, you need to drink it faster....or I'll send you a sippy-cup for your christmas *L*
I imagined your dive to throw yourself under that spilling wine, mouth open.....brought a smile to my are an amazing man Ian.
I'd have been even more amazing if I had managed to save the wine hitting the carpet! I shall try harder next time!!
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