Monday, December 25, 2006


Tagged and Tired........

I've been tagged by Fiona.......... but I had to visit Sunny to get the details. Nearest book, page 123, down 5 sentences, then write the next 3.

I had two books to hand. One was Your Rights (Money benefits for older people) by Sally West, and page 123 was about working and receiving Incapacity Benefit. Not very inspiring, but after what we have been dealing with recently, a useful tool to find out what's what.

The other book, and fractionally closer was more interesting, but page 123 had only ten lines....... end of chapter! So I've copied the last few lines to give more sense to the words.

His knees went weak. Omi followed his glance.
A ship was rounding the headland. She was a large galley with a multitude of oars, the swiftest of the Japanese coastal vessels because she depended neither upon the wind, nor upon the tide. The flag at the masthead carried the Toranaga crest.

James Clavell's Shogun.

Christmas day nearly over and I feel tired out. We collected my Mother last Thursday, and she is staying with us for a couple of weeks. There's very little extra work for me, just some leg washing and dressing first thing in the morning. Apart from that, she's very easy to get along with. The trouble I have is not sleeping, or not sleeping well. I'm waking up with every strange noise, and then finding it difficult to get back to sleep again. It is getting better and, no doubt, in a few days I'll be back to normal................... I hope.

I'm such a duh-brain sometimes.....I didn't post the details!!!!

Thank you Ian!!!!
I have been having the same problem Ian, not being able to get a full nights sleep, every small(or large) noise wakes me, in fact everytime I adjust my body in my sleep I seem to awaken....I hope you are able to find the cause for you and get some much needed rest. Maybe that hottoddy for colds you told me about will work at getting you back to sleep.
Never mind Fi, I've been following the tag around, so I knew where to go to get the info.

Sunny, what a good idea. Have to cut down on wine during the evening because grape and grain just don't mix.
If the three of us would only live in the same (or in some sort of proximity) time zone, we could do a lot more with our sleeplessness than share recipes for hot toddies!!!! ;)

Aaaaaah Shogun...remembering the tv miniseries with Richard Chamberlain - do you recall the reference to 'pirrowing'....such a lovely expression for the horizontal tango. too again....gggrrr can't GET to sleep!!!
Must get it on D.V.D, along with Dirty Dancing. Something to add to my New Year resolutions!
oooooh... Ian's a dirty dancer is he ;-))
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