Thursday, November 02, 2006


Road trip.............

Gone are the days when we used to grab our coat and be off in five minutes flat. It now takes about five hours. To leave by midday, it means a seven o'clock start for me. It's easy for my wife, she just lies there, while I get the papers, see to the dog, bed bath her, then dress her. Next it's hair wash, breakfast, and then she has to wait for me. There's a snack to prepare, washing up, another dog walk, me to get ready..................... and we're off. Midday!

The trip has to be planned for several days and it not until the morning that we know if we are able to go. This time it's to visit my mother in Torquay, about 75 miles away. The journey can take about an hour and a half but traffic and road works slows us to a two hour trip.

This time it's to make sure my mother is managing physically and to sort out some finances. She's in her eighties and the years are taking their tole. The house is far too big, and although she get help with her general care, it's getting to the stage where she will need a lot more help in future. She has excellent neighbours that keep an eye on her but decisions will have to be made in the not too distant future. Just one of the joys of old age.

The afternoon was fine and went all too quickly. My wife can only manage about two hours of sitting unsupported, so by four o'clock we took our leave.

The weather was absolutely beautiful for our trip home. The bluest of skies with a dozen long lasting vapour trails crossing overhead. Before we reached Newton Abbot, the sky had begun to change to gold. As we chased the sunset westward, we were treated to one of the most beautiful shows that Mother Nature has ever put on.

It was difficult to concentrate on the road and traffic with the sky changing colour every few minutes. Every time you thought you had seen the best of it, you were surprised again by a more spectacular show. If only we had had time to stop on high ground and soak in splendour being displayed to us.

I did stop for a minute to take a photograph, not the best of the show, but enough to ever remind us of the free beauty around us, the glory of an Autumn sunset.

You're a good man Magoo :)

And that is an awesome picture, I can feel the crisp coolness of the air....mmmmmm breathing it in.

The cyle of life....we know how far round we are when we start to parent our parents.
Truly beautiful...I adore sunsets...and such an apt photo for your post.

I am in awe of you Ian the things you do for those you love.
It was just one of those unforgettable sunset. I can only remember one other, about twenty years ago, that had the same effect on me.

We were stuck in traffic, signals had broken down. There was a magnificent mackerel sky and people got out of their cars to take it all in. Ain't nature wonderful!
I like the photo; there are certainly some really beautiful sunsets at the moment. We saw a truly spectacular one when walking our dog on a local (Sussex) beach last Sunday. If you have a moment, please take a look at my photos on my blog.
Just in case anybody on here checked out my photos and left a comment, the comments weren't getting to me on my site (due to a stupid mistake I made in typing in my e-mail address!). Sorry for my stupidity!

I hope everyone is doing ok. It is a really beautiful day here in the UK!
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