Saturday, October 07, 2006


To prove a point......

I said in the previous post that I distrusted Religions, and what has happened this week has done nothing to change my mind.

I hear the Roman Catholic Church is now to do away with Limbo. That place twix Heaven and Hell where all the souls of good people, who were never baptised, live for eternity. Never achieving the gift of Heaven but not having to suffer the torment of Hell. It is also the place for the souls of children. Those that die before baptism, those stillborn and those that are naturally aborted.

So why have the Cardinals decided that there is no further need for Limbo. Could it be, I wonder, that other faiths in the emerging countries are offering a better deal and the Church is missing out? Is it that parents, having just had a sad experience, are seeking solace with faiths that promise their children's souls will go to paradise and be with angels, as the Muslim faith does. All poor old Rome can offer is Limbo. It's like so many other things in the Church, a man made idea to solve a problem of the time. It has been on the books for about 1500 years, but nothing is forever, unless you're a soul trapped there.

Does this mean that other ideas and edicts can be done away with at the stroke of a pen, by the old men in fancy dress at the Vatican. Women at the alter, celibacy of clergy, fish on Friday, the idea of Purgatory, perhaps even Hell itself. Maybe the only Hell is one we create for ourselves, here on earth?

What's going to happen to all those millions of souls now? Will it create an over crowding problem for someone? Just think, if Hell and Purgatory were to follow Limbo, that would only leave Heaven. Then what?

"Look out Saint Peter. Unlock those pearly gates. It's party time and we're all coming in!"

No more purgatory???

I didn't realise that's where they allocated room to the stillborn and naturally aborted....I always thought they went straight to heaven. Well I've learned something today.

Can't say I much care for what I just learned though.

I'm not one for organised religion and even less so now.

Hiya Ian, it's good to be back!

I remember seeing something once that really made me laugh.

Someone challenged a church spokesperson on the fact that the church had apparently changed its mind on something it had been very dogmatic about.

The spokesman replied, with a great air of dignity, that the church doesn't change its mind - it just moves from one state of certainty to another!
Fiona. Thought you might have popped in for coffee. The kettle was on. A big WELCOME back. Now I can get the cling film out! Will let you know the Blog.

Emily. A great statement. I must remember that one. I suffer from a state of uncertainty all the time. I just can't stand all the theater that goes on in the name of Religion. It might impress the masses but it does nothing for me. I'll stick to tree hugging. The worst you can get is splinters.
crawls across the floor.....COFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEE

thank you thank you for the lovely welcome...beaming here....

i found you ;) and thank goodness the cling film went with you!!
I was so looking forward to a visit to what am I to do?....think I will join you in the forest...
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